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Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics

The Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics is dedicated to providing thought leadership for the policy community about the dynamics of China’s economy and its implications for industries and other countries. Our work – research, publications, events & outreach – focuses on the overall trajectory of China’s economy, their high-tech innovation drive, and America’s China policy.
We are motivated to provide clear yet nuanced answers to several critical questions:

  • Is the China Model a sustainable approach to development and growth?

  • Is China becoming a tech superpower?

  • Is China promoting a revisionist, illiberal agenda in global governance?

  • Are fundamental changes in technology and the planet bringing the U.S. and China closer together or push them further apart?

  • Should the United States pursue decoupling from the Chinese economy?

Our conclusions are built through ground-up, multi-level research. We go far beyond analyzing Chinese policies to closely examine companies, financial institutions, industries, regions, and evolving business models. We situate China’s domestic economy in the broader international context, including regional and global supply chains, bilateral relations, and global governance regimes.